Use "disentangle|disentangled|disentangles|disentangling" in a sentence

1. are hard to disentangle.

2. He tried to disentangle himself .

3. Tom disentangled himself from his mother's arms.

4. I disentangled myself from the merry throng.

5. " Permit me, " he said bending over and disentangling the flounce.

6. He disentangled his overcoat from the coat - hanger.

7. This skein of wool won't disentangle.

8. Shake your rope and let it disentangle gradually.

9. I finally managed to disentangle myself from perplexity.

10. He was sitting on the deck disentangling a coil of rope.

11. It's really difficult to disentangle those strands.

12. The fish disentangled itself from the net.

13. Let's try to disentangle and clarify some of them.

14. 'I've got the book,'he said as they disentangled themselves.

15. 23 I finally managed to disentangle myself from perplexity.

16. It is hard to disentangle propaganda from fantasy.

17. Investigators had to disentangle Maxwell's complicated financial affairs.

18. It's impossible to disentangle the myth from reality.

19. The reasons for these variations are difficult to disentangle.

20. It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.

21. The rope could not be disentangled and had to be cut.

22. The prisoner finally managed to disentangle himself from the barbed wire.

23. 1 I finally managed to disentangle myself from perplexity.

24. He tried to disentangle his fingers from her hair.

25. I tried to disentangle the wires under my desk.

26. She had just disentangled herself from a long relationship.

27. Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - semitism.

28. We disentangled the ropes and heaved them on the ship.

29. Night brightened sharply, as if the moon had just disentangled itself from cloud.

30. In the Soviet Union it is difficult to disentangle political from administrative controls.

31. Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - nationalism.

32. It's very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she's saying.

33. It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.

34. Synonyms for Combed include groomed, untangled, arranged, disentangled, dressed, drest, straightened, curried, neatened and raked

35. It is possible , I think, that some of them might be disentangled by this method.

36. However, they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed.

37. The first thing the three must do is disentangle themselves from the past.

38. The balls of wool were all mixed up, and I couldn't disentangle them.

39. Blearily, I disentangled myself from Richard and grabbed the phone, checking the clock.

40. And then he disentangled himself from the last uniformed peer and reached Hardin.

41. But if the different strands can be gradually disentangled, the situation becomes easier.

42. The current study focused on disentangling these models in terms of the gender-typicality and -Atypicality of early

43. Still, Swan's reasoning implies that arms of the state cannot be disentangled from the state itself.

44. He rightly sought to disentangle the tiny farming industry from most of rural life.

45. The link between chronic stress and a marker of old age is being disentangled

46. One arm disentangled itself from the covers, her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt.

47. Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibres to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing

48. Carded definition is - cleansed and disentangled preparatory to spinning : prepared by the action of cards or a carding machine

49. She had disentangled her ravelled ideas, and arranged some kind of a plan for action.

50. Card: [verb] to cleanse, disentangle, and collect together (fibers) by the use of Cards preparatory to spinning.

51. However, in the public sector, resource management considerations are usually much more difficult to disentangle from policy.

52. There are so many fallacies in this view that they cannot all be disentangled at once.

53. She disentangled the sleeve of her jacket which had got caught up in a rose bush.

54. The exaltation of emotion and intuition above logical reasoning can readily disentangle them from any such disciplinary anchorage.

55. 5 The exaltation of emotion and intuition above logical reasoning can readily disentangle them from any such disciplinary anchorage.

56. 28 There are two general principles involved in putting right the unsatisfactory situation we have gradually disentangled and thus clarified.

57. It came open at once, and she leaned in, trying to disentangle the unconscious woman from her seatbelt.

58. Although poverty, deprivation and low intelligence tend to go together, it is hard to disentangle cause and effect.

59. By that age there is no rational way to disentangle what has been inherited from what has been learned.

60. 29 "We tried to disentangle the 'genetic link' and the 'exposure' hypothesis in free-living feral pigeons Columba livia, " Ms Jacquin reported.

61. The next few hours were spent in a daze while Lucy tried to disentangle the confusion in her bewildered mind.

62. In a new book, journalist Fox Butterfield chronicles the Bogles' history to show how crime runs in families — and disentangle it from

63. 2 days ago · Saudi Arabia unveiled a proposal for a Cease-fire aimed at disentangling itself from Yemen’s civil war, as rebel forces press an offensive and the Biden administration seeks to extricate the U.S

64. A Carding action to disentangle the clumps of fibres, and thoroughly inter-mix the fibres to form a homogenous blend; cross-lapping action to further blend the wool and minimize any side-to-side variation

65. The causes of residential segregation of immigrants become relevant with regard to its effects for integration processes. This paper analyzes the degree of residential segregation in five German cities (Dortmund, Kassel, Munich, Oldenburg und Stuttgart) and disentangles the effects of migration status and socioeconomic background.

66. ‘Axillary Amplexus typically results in long strings of eggs being laid in ponds or streams, which hatch into type IV tadpoles.’ ‘Once this headlock - the scientific term is Amplexus - has been achieved, the two can be disentangled only by force.’

67. ‘Axillary Amplexus typically results in long strings of eggs being laid in ponds or streams, which hatch into type IV tadpoles.’ ‘Once this headlock - the scientific term is Amplexus - has been achieved, the two can be disentangled only by force.’

68. For an attempt to disentangle the Constraining effects of globalization and European integration on domestic politics, see Daniel Verdier and Richard Breen, ‘Europeanization and Globalization: Politics against Markets in the European Union’, Comparative Political Studies, 34 (2001), 227–62.